- Love Ur Neigbour
- charity, Kenya, Kilifi, Kivuli Kijijini, volunteering

It’s been just over a month now since we arrived at Kivuli Kijijini. It was night time by the time we arrived & I was full of excitement as we turned off of the mud track road into the compound. The last time I was here was 2018 & we had built the main building but left it half done. The rest of the land was mostly bushy. By now, the building is complete and used almost daily, there is a house for Cleopas & Christene who run the place, there’s a prayer hut, there’s a hut for us which will also serve as a place for volunteers to stay and several little buildings too! I was amazed at how far we’ve come in such a short space of time & I can only accredit it to God blessing our efforts. Keep an eye out on Facebook for a walkaround tour that I’ll be doing soon.

God brought us exactly where He wants us
I sometimes joke that God allows us to think our plans are our own when all along He’s got a bigger plan that He’s letting us be a part of with our little plans. It feels a lot like that here & I’ve been amazed over the last days how perfect it is that we’re here. When we first decided to buy land here, we were just following God’s lead & knew little about the area. It turns out to be one of the areas with the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Kenya, an issue that’s close to my heart; and God has us here to make a difference. There’s an unusually high number of people in the area with disabilities, a people group close to Lox’s heart; and God has us here to make a difference. Directly around us witchcraft is used which keeps people living in fear & bondage; God has us here to make a difference. The local Church have actually been praying for us to come for over 10 years after receiving a vision for a project like ours!
God has confirmed time & time again that this is where He wants us. I’m overwhelmed at how far we have come in such a short space of time and yet I sense that this is just the beginning & that God will do immesurably more than we can ask or imagine. I don’t know why He chose us, but I feel privileged & excited that He’s allowing us to be a part of His big plan!